Dear readers, i am only sterting observing some fashion news and i write here only what i like and what i think interesting, besides i of course will be interested what you think fashionable and without what you cn't imagine your life ( some garments i mean). Voila! The first thing i saw today, was the round up of Basso & Brooke new fall ready to wear'10 collection. Here what "" writes about these guys and the story of their staggering lines:
"Bruno Basso and Christopher Brooke's search for inspiration took them on a two-week trip down the ancient Silk Road to fabled Samarkand, where East originally met West millennia ago. It was a high-risk endeavor (they had to travel with a bodyguard), but it yielded dividends in the overload of colors, patterns, and textures they were exposed to. As per the usual division of labor, Basso translated these into the extraordinary engineered prints that are the duo's signature, and Brooke designed the pieces that carried the prints. The clothes were significantly more straightforward than usual, as Brooke sensibly focused on classic shapes: a parka, a shirtwaister, a coat-dress, or a jersey evening dress that was as simple as an elongated T-shirt from the front but dipped to the tailbone in back. With the prints being such minor masterpieces of complexity, why gild the lily with tricksy constructions?....

....The designers also used a new fabric treatment they called "a high-gloss aqua finish," which gave some prints a liquid 3-D sheen that was practically Pandora-perfect in every way."

C'est una perfetto design i definately would vote for!!!!

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