среда, 24 февраля 2010 г.

Basso & Brooke

music: Крыша Мира - Mixed by DJ List & DR. Spy Der

Dear readers, i am only sterting observing some fashion news and i write here only what i like and what i think interesting, besides i of course will be interested what you think fashionable and without what you cn't imagine your life ( some garments i mean). Voila! The first thing i saw today, was the round up of Basso & Brooke new fall ready to wear'10 collection. Here what "Style.com" writes about these guys and the story of their staggering lines:
"Bruno Basso and Christopher Brooke's search for inspiration took them on a two-week trip down the ancient Silk Road to fabled Samarkand, where East originally met West millennia ago. It was a high-risk endeavor (they had to travel with a bodyguard), but it yielded dividends in the overload of colors, patterns, and textures they were exposed to. As per the usual division of labor, Basso translated these into the extraordinary engineered prints that are the duo's signature, and Brooke designed the pieces that carried the prints. The clothes were significantly more straightforward than usual, as Brooke sensibly focused on classic shapes: a parka, a shirtwaister, a coat-dress, or a jersey evening dress that was as simple as an elongated T-shirt from the front but dipped to the tailbone in back. With the prints being such minor masterpieces of complexity, why gild the lily with tricksy constructions?....

....The designers also used a new fabric treatment they called "a high-gloss aqua finish," which gave some prints a liquid 3-D sheen that was practically Pandora-perfect in every way."

C'est una perfetto design i definately would vote for!!!!

пятница, 19 февраля 2010 г.

Fashion addicted

Success will catch you, only if you are obsessed.
If no, it won't happen
(c) gl0sssss

пятница, 12 февраля 2010 г.


And i continue my way to perfection, knowing that the perfection does not exist...
(c) gl0sssss

Alexander McQueen, RIP

"The news that Alexander McQueen has killed himself is particularly devastating because it always felt to me like he’d be the last man standing. He was restless, but so pragmatic with it I assumed he had what it took to endure the extreme situations he placed himself in. He was also an arch romantic with a pessimistic streak. It produced some of the most beautiful, shocking images in the history of fashion, but it’s a state of mind that can lead to endless disappointments. The death of McQueen’s mother last week would have validated his pessimism. It would undoubtedly have taken away his most vital support. It’s awful to imagine him trying—and failing—to cope, and one can only hope that, if he was looking for peace, he found it. For everyone left behind, there will eventually be consolation, however scant right now, in a body of work whose power will never die."

—Tim Blanks

No more words necessary.


His most creative works:

Fairy tales are real!!!

Today, wandering in the huge space of internet, i found an advertising of interesting bijouterie made in vintage and retro style which is on top now!
You can wear these things everywhere to a fashionable party, or to a date with your lover, and always to be the most attractive ever ever ever!!!
So the online shop is called the shop of positive and strange decoratins,Alice'n'Rabbit, so if you are also in love with fairy tales, here you will find yourself, and your personal beauty page will be filled in with the most exiting and strange things of spring 2010)))
My preferences after a quick look to the website are:

1. From the collection "Porcelain dreams"(bracelette)

2.From the collection "Cinderella" (a necklace)

3.From the collection "Alice in Wonderland"(necklace)

4. From the collection "French Stories"(ear-rings)


среда, 10 февраля 2010 г.

is admired by wonderful and fashionable shoot

fantastic lines coinside here with the expressive movements of the girl.
the title is:Bucarest, la mal-aimée

Liked the album cover