The dress was great!! It was bright, had a bag and beautiful black shoes in complect.. At the party i was surrounded
by people from Romanian hight society, and they all have been asking me: :Are you a designer? Your dress is looking soo fashionable!!" And there i decided to make a colletion.. Coming back to Moscow i found a girl for sewing, bought the materials and started to work. Now i have 2 lines: summer chiffon trousers and tunics and russian style dresses. I plan to finish this spring and to make a fashion show. Besides, here i will write about interesting events which take place in moscow and all over the world, where i will have luck to be, about interesting people, and articles,music, will show you my ideas about design and clothes combinations. Whatever? Be on fashion, join the WORLD!!!))

Congrats! Great idea and great start :)
ОтветитьУдалитьand i love the title also))
thank you) Will try to develop it)